- To initiate and encourage CORD supporters to give back to their individual communities by serving those in need.
- To develop and strengthen a comprehensive, convergent, sustainable and participatory rural development program.
- To empower rural women, men and youth.
- To help increase economic self-reliance through micro-credit, income generation schemes and village-level enterprise.
- To provide community based healthcare through preventive and promotional measures as well as provide primary healthcare services through dispensaries.
- To provide community based rehabilitation for the disabled.
- To help strengthen local self-governance.
- To create environmental awareness and implement natural resource management.
- To improve education, promote literacy and value-based education.
- To promote and facilitate social justice.
- To increase the capacity of women, men, youth and children to uplift their communities and themselves and fire their latent potential through community based organizations.
- To network and collaborate with institutions, individuals, non-governmental organizations, governmental agencies and donors agencies to reinforce and promote the objectives of CORD.
- To conduct training programs towards fulfillment of all objectives.
For almost two decades, CORD has provided the means for thousands of people in rural India and Africa to empower themselves. In addition, CORD has been involved in emergency efforts such as the Gujarat Earthquake Relief Fund, Orissa Flood Relief, Peki Hospital in Ghana and the Tsunami Relief efforts which provided much needed humanitarian assistance.
Each dollar raised by CORD is sent in its entirety (with no administration or overhead expenses deducted) to those that need it most.
· CORD has been able to support several important projects in the Indian Subcontinent, where the quality of life in 650 destitute rural villages has drastically improved over the last 25 years. Our efforts are helping to fund healthcare, education, income generation schemes, micro-banking projects and more. All in an effort to help people in impoverished rural areas attain self-sufficiency.
We need your help in raising awareness and funds for CORD to do more of the above and help many more people.